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Our Timetable


King George Memorial Hall, Hockley Heath

5:30-6:30 - C2D

Dance and Cheerleading Chance2Dance Class Age 5+ 

6:30-7:30 - Hockey Heath Medals

Freestyle Dance Medals Class (exams are taken) Age 6+ 


Wellesbourne Village Hall

5:15-6:15 Wellesbourne Stars

Dance and Acro (option for exams to be taken) Age 5+


Grafton Hall, Temple Grafton

5-6 Dance and Acrobatics (with equipment) Age 5+

King George Memorial Hall, Hockley Heath

4:45-5:45 Hockley Heath Gymnastics

Gymnastics Age 4+


Studley Village Hall

5-6pm Studley Medals 

Medals Dance exam class Age 6+


Beoley Village Hall 

5:45-6:45 Dance and Cheerleading  Age 4+(with Tumble Track)

5:45-6:45pm Football (outdoor on field) Age 4+


Studley Village Hall

11-11:30am Street Crew Age 8+

11:30-12:30pm Studley Stars

Dance, Cheer, Acro Age 6+

12:30-1:15pm Mini Stars

Dance, Cheer, Acro Age 3-7


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